JohnPearse 150 Bronze, String Set for Western Guitar, 80/20 Bronze wound, Str...John Pearse 150 Bronze, String Set for Western Guitar, 80/20 Bronze wound, Strengths 011, .013, .022, .032, .047, .058more
JohnPearse 450L Irish Tenor Guitar Str., Set of Strings for Tenor Guitar, Com...John Pearse 450L Irish Tenor Guitar Str., Set of Strings for Tenor Guitar, Complete set of 4 strings for Irish Tenor Guitar, .013 plain, .020, .030, .042 bronze wound, Suitable for 58.4 cm scale lengthmore
JohnPearse 790NR Spanish Neck Resophonic, String set for resonator guitar, St...John Pearse 790NR Spanish Neck Resophonic, String set for resonator guitar, Strings: .013, .017, .026, .036, .046, .056, Original string on National Reso-phonic Standard Roundneck Resonator guitars, Strength: Medium Tension, Material (winding):...more
La Bella 7GPS PhosphorBronze L, String set for Steel-string Guitar, Light ten...La Bella 7GPS Phosphor Bronze L, String set for Steel-string Guitar, Light tension, String gauges: .012, .016, .022W, .031, .041, .052, Material: Phosphor bronze, Made with an exclusive bronze and tin alloy for a brighter sound and longer life than...more
Adamas 1919 Historic Reissue, String Set for Western Guitar, Thicknesses: .013...Adamas 1919 Historic Reissue, String Set for Western Guitar, Thicknesses: .013, .016, .025w, .035w, .047w, .056w, Reissue in the 1980s Original Specifications, Massive brass bale, With E6 and A5, core and coil with identical diameter, Composite...more